/* YV12 chroma upsampling fixer by Kurt Bernhard 'Leak' Pruenner Use with YV12 output if the half-resolution chroma gets upsampled in hardware by doubling the values instead of interpolating between them. (i.e. if you're getting blocky red edges on dark backgrounds...) */ sampler s0 : register(s0); float4 p0 : register(c0); float4 p1 : register(c1); #define width (p0[0]) #define height (p0[1]) float4 getPixel(float2 tex, float dx, float dy) { tex.x+=dx; tex.y+=dy; return tex2D(s0, tex); } float4 rgb2yuv(float4 rgb) { float4x4 coeffs= { 0.299, 0.587, 0.114, 0.000, -0.147,-0.289, 0.436, 0.000, 0.615,-0.515,-0.100, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000 }; return mul(coeffs,rgb); } float4 yuv2rgb(float4 yuv) { float4x4 coeffs= { 1.000, 0.000, 1.140, 0.000, 1.000,-0.395,-0.581, 0.000, 1.000, 2.032, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000 }; return mul(coeffs,yuv); } float4 main(float2 tex : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR { float dx=1/width; float dy=1/height; float4 yuv00=rgb2yuv(getPixel(tex,-dx,-dy)); float4 yuv01=rgb2yuv(getPixel(tex,-dx, 0)); float4 yuv02=rgb2yuv(getPixel(tex,-dx, dy)); float4 yuv10=rgb2yuv(getPixel(tex, 0,-dy)); float4 yuv11=rgb2yuv(getPixel(tex, 0, 0)); float4 yuv12=rgb2yuv(getPixel(tex, 0, dy)); float4 yuv20=rgb2yuv(getPixel(tex, dx,-dy)); float4 yuv21=rgb2yuv(getPixel(tex, dx, 0)); float4 yuv22=rgb2yuv(getPixel(tex, dx, dy)); float4 yuv= (yuv00*1+yuv01*2+yuv02*1+ yuv10*2+yuv11*4+yuv12*2+ yuv20*1+yuv21*2+yuv22*1)/16; yuv.r=yuv11.r; return yuv2rgb(yuv); }